
Awkward moment with coworker..

Didn’t know where to ask, figured I’d come to this sub since I frequent it the most for work related things and plus the advice here is great.. I got a funky scenario and would like to know how others would have handled this. I’m a receptionist, when it’s time to leave our relief (coworkers coming in for next shift) take over. Person relieving me not only comes in 10 mins late, but doesn’t even apologize for it, well I should say, didn’t directly apologize, he mentioned something about needing a ride -whatever. Anyways, as I begin to leave he’s all like “you wanna take the trash out before leaving.” I was stunned, caught off guard by such a request. Now, I’m not a slob, if I used the trash bin to the point where it was at overflow that’s one thing, but I never even used the damn thing.…

Didn’t know where to ask, figured I’d come to this sub since I frequent it the most for work related things and plus the advice here is great..

I got a funky scenario and would like to know how others would have handled this. I’m a receptionist, when it’s time to leave our relief (coworkers coming in for next shift) take over. Person relieving me not only comes in 10 mins late, but doesn’t even apologize for it, well I should say, didn’t directly apologize, he mentioned something about needing a ride -whatever. Anyways, as I begin to leave he’s all like “you wanna take the trash out before leaving.” I was stunned, caught off guard by such a request. Now, I’m not a slob, if I used the trash bin to the point where it was at overflow that’s one thing, but I never even used the damn thing. Custodian clears them out on weekdays (this incident happened over the weekend). So I just ignored him and kept leaving then he calls me back and says “yo man, you gonna take the trash with you?” then I respond with “Um, no, why would you ask?” Then he says “Well, it hasn’t been changed since 1st shift”.. I’m like “okay, well I never even used it so I’m not touching it.” I’m not quit witted, so I left it that and just bailed.. I heard him mumble as I left but idk what he said and idc. I just felt it’s disrespectful of him to even tell me to do this.

Would really like to know your guys’ thoughts on this. Should I have just taken it out? Did I respond correctly? Was I too soft?

Thank you.

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