
Bad managers aren’t just in retail…

I was going to reply in a comment with this but I thought it deserved it's own little place in history. I worked as a consultant at Deloitte a couple of years ago and was onsite with a customer. I got some kind of stomach thing and had to leave the site early. On the way back to the hotel I literally shit myself in the rental car. It was friggin horrible. Walking up to the lobby and taking the elevator to my room with a big load in my pants. Worst day of my life. Manager called me bitching about why I left early and said I was getting disciplined because she didn't believe I was sick. A couple days later I sent her the rental car receipt with the “$100 charge for cleaning out the soiled car”. I was seriously thinking of packing up the pants and mailing…

I was going to reply in a comment with this but I thought it deserved it's own little place in history. I worked as a consultant at Deloitte a couple of years ago and was onsite with a customer. I got some kind of stomach thing and had to leave the site early. On the way back to the hotel I literally shit myself in the rental car. It was friggin horrible. Walking up to the lobby and taking the elevator to my room with a big load in my pants. Worst day of my life. Manager called me bitching about why I left early and said I was getting disciplined because she didn't believe I was sick. A couple days later I sent her the rental car receipt with the “$100 charge for cleaning out the soiled car”. I was seriously thinking of packing up the pants and mailing them to her but I decided to be a professional. Douchebag of a manager told the story during a department all-hands. I gave my notice about a month later and my last day I left her a little gift in the backseat of her BMW. lmao

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