
Bar manager on a power trip yells, points at, insults, threatens me This man was shaking, red in the face, voice cracking. All because I asked if he was working when he came in and opened our restaurant windows despite the AC being on. He told me “not to worry about it”, then proceeded to call me a “fucking asshole”, told me I “need to be smarter”, said over and over to “Watch myself” and “watch how I speak to him”. All while pointing in my face, following me outside, getting in my face repeatedly, and very very nearly choosing to assault me (I've had more experience with those markers than I'd care to recount). He has been aggressive and belittling to me on more than one occasion, as well as yelling insults at kitchen staff for his own blunders. I chalk it up to a hostile work environment, and if this results in my job loss, will be collecting unemployment…

This man was shaking, red in the face, voice cracking. All because I asked if he was working when he came in and opened our restaurant windows despite the AC being on. He told me “not to worry about it”, then proceeded to call me a “fucking asshole”, told me I “need to be smarter”, said over and over to “Watch myself” and “watch how I speak to him”. All while pointing in my face, following me outside, getting in my face repeatedly, and very very nearly choosing to assault me (I've had more experience with those markers than I'd care to recount). He has been aggressive and belittling to me on more than one occasion, as well as yelling insults at kitchen staff for his own blunders. I chalk it up to a hostile work environment, and if this results in my job loss, will be collecting unemployment from them and attempting to file a claim that was transpired was cause for termination of the manager.

I sent this message to the owner:

“here is some video of the incident between *** and myself this morning. He hurled insults at me, called me names, threatened me, and got in my face multiple times, following me outside to threaten and belittle me further. *** was shaking, red in the face, and very nearly ready to assault me. This is not the first time he has acted with hostility and aggression towards me, and has on multiple occasions yelled obscenities at the kitchen staff. I have never seen a man his age with such a lack of control over his emotions, nor a more spectacular display of fragile masculinity. I do not find his behavior to be at the standard that ****** expects, nor that staff deserves, as I feel this to be a fairly clear case of hostile work conditions. I know *** has a lot on his plate, but that is not excuse especially for someone of his age and experience.”

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