
Barcode spoofing

Noticed today at the great unwrapping that the Lego sets didn’t have bar codes. I got told that the issue is people take cheaper sets, take the bar codes off, attach to a more expensive set, self scan Profit Allegedly Walmart across Christmas cut off all the bar codes on Lego sets to stop this. It makes the buyer get a price check. But I can see this working at a ton of places. And I’m amused that manglement goes “Yes, lets cut this $15 / hour cashier job to save money” and some person goes “Sure get this Millennium Falcon set that retails for $850 for $45”. For those of you in retail, is bar code spoofing a big thing?

Noticed today at the great unwrapping that the Lego sets didn’t have bar codes. I got told that the issue is people take cheaper sets, take the bar codes off, attach to a more expensive set, self scan Profit

Allegedly Walmart across Christmas cut off all the bar codes on Lego sets to stop this. It makes the buyer get a price check.

But I can see this working at a ton of places. And I’m amused that manglement goes “Yes, lets cut this $15 / hour cashier job to save money” and some person goes “Sure get this Millennium Falcon set that retails for $850 for $45”.

For those of you in retail, is bar code spoofing a big thing?

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