So idk if this is completely terrible or what, the dept of labor did nothing to help me but I definitely feel I was owed money. I worked this job last year in NY (I left in September because of terrible conditions). I was a cellar manager and packaging operator. Basically took care of the beer and put it in cans, while occasionally assisting with warehouse orders. They salaried us at 40000-42000 and claimed it was based on a 45 hour work week. They regularly forced us to work 60 hours physical labor with no breaks or OT. When talking to the department of labor they said I 100% had a case… until they asked me if I’ve ever loaded a truck…
Since I’d loaded a truck they threw out my case and basically told me that’s a loophole and if you load trucks you aren’t entitled to breaks or overtime.
I found out about this thread and figured I’d run it by you guys.