
Barriers to entry

The dream of starting a company in your basement is over. The barriers to entry in almost every industry limits any entrepreneurial dream. I have ideas and creative thoughts that could turn into something awesome, or may fail, but I'm not going to invest ( plus don't have) say a million dollars just to take a chance. So I found a 9-5 job making 70k/year and probably just sit on it for the rest of my life… It sucks to think that… Some people might say to start it as a hobby etc. But it would still be impossible to compete unless you're already involved with the cutting edge technology of that industry. This circles back to extremely high barriers of entry.

The dream of starting a company in your basement is over. The barriers to entry in almost every industry limits any entrepreneurial dream. I have ideas and creative thoughts that could turn into something awesome, or may fail, but I'm not going to invest ( plus don't have) say a million dollars just to take a chance. So I found a 9-5 job making 70k/year and probably just sit on it for the rest of my life… It sucks to think that… Some people might say to start it as a hobby etc. But it would still be impossible to compete unless you're already involved with the cutting edge technology of that industry. This circles back to extremely high barriers of entry.

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