

The bathrooms at my work are so uncomfortably situated. They are not sound proofed whatsoever, the fans don't work and you can hear the really quiet radio on in the office in the bathroom, which leads me to believe everyone can hear. One day when the men weren't there the women were talking about how they are traumatized by what they've heard, how they are afraid to pee when the men are there etc. I have a shitty pelvic floor and in the morning after I've had my 2 huge mugs of coffee I pee often. I am always SUPER quick, under 30 seconds, and it isn't disrupting my work. Today they made a comment about us going through TP and one said “I guess you pee too much” to which she said “I don't pee too much” but the I was emphasized which I took as a passive aggressive…

The bathrooms at my work are so uncomfortably situated. They are not sound proofed whatsoever, the fans don't work and you can hear the really quiet radio on in the office in the bathroom, which leads me to believe everyone can hear. One day when the men weren't there the women were talking about how they are traumatized by what they've heard, how they are afraid to pee when the men are there etc. I have a shitty pelvic floor and in the morning after I've had my 2 huge mugs of coffee I pee often. I am always SUPER quick, under 30 seconds, and it isn't disrupting my work. Today they made a comment about us going through TP and one said “I guess you pee too much” to which she said “I don't pee too much” but the I was emphasized which I took as a passive aggressive remark. The one that sits closer to the bathrooms is obsessed with them and what people do in there. Always commenting on going through the soap, the toilet paper, how she could hear a former employee pee. Am I crazy that I truly don't care about pee and poo????? We are adults, we all shit and piss and fart. I'm pretty sure if I heard someone having explosive diarrhea I'd just be empathetic if it was obvious we were all aware but I just don't see why it's such a big deal and now I'm terrified of farting or shitting lmaaao

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