
Be a thorn, not a wall flower.

I worked at a company I cannot name from November 2004 until I quit in June 2019. I gave this company EVERY bit of me with promises of more money and promotions. In 2017 the company instituted a salary cap for everyone BUT management, soon after they installed new flat panel TV's through every main corridor that showed how much the company was making month to month and it was millions. I never trusted management but this was the literal straw that broke this mule's back. I went on a job hunt for 2 years before I found something and when I did I became the biggest piece of shit. I put my 2 weeks in, they offered me more money in one lump sum but my salary would remain the same and as long as my window licking, under-qualified supervisor was still around I'd never see a promotion. He…

I worked at a company I cannot name from November 2004 until I quit in June 2019. I gave this company EVERY bit of me with promises of more money and promotions. In 2017 the company instituted a salary cap for everyone BUT management, soon after they installed new flat panel TV's through every main corridor that showed how much the company was making month to month and it was millions. I never trusted management but this was the literal straw that broke this mule's back. I went on a job hunt for 2 years before I found something and when I did I became the biggest piece of shit. I put my 2 weeks in, they offered me more money in one lump sum but my salary would remain the same and as long as my window licking, under-qualified supervisor was still around I'd never see a promotion. He is only 10 years older than me with no savings and no chance he was leaving until he hit 63. I walked out, collected my things, went to HR and told them I was done and never showed up for my last day.

I am now a diesel tech and I love my job! Love the guys I work with. I just still don't trust management as far as I can throw them. When I got settled into my new position I decided to take a day and take my girl out so I called out of work. When I got back in guys asked if I was sick and I told them I took a MHD or “mental health day”. None of them have ever heard this before and within a few weeks guys were taking their own MHD's. My service manager called me into his office and asked me to stop encouraging the other techs to take (I kid you not he did air quotes) “mental health days” because it affects the overall efficiency of the shop. I told him I would not because I believe the mental health of employees is far more important than he and others making end of month bonuses off our backs. Of course he didn't like that but nothing he could do. I pulled some pretty crappy work for a while after that but I put on my Metal playlists, put on a smile and made my pay checks! Not gonna complain about stepping in my own shit lol! After my first year I became an unofficial shop steward because I didn't give a fuck. I would go straight to my service manager with issues in the shop concerning tools, equipment, work orders, etc. I made it clear I'm not about the company I'm there for the other techs and a paycheck. I'm sure they would have loved to fire me but I'm good at my job and they spent stupid money on my training. I love being a thorn in the side of management and I'll keep being one as long as they exist.

Now, I don't hate every boss I've ever had, some were really cool. I also understand everyone has a job to do. What I find unacceptable is working your employees to the bone, asking for more and never standing up for them even if it means your boss will get mad at you.

My job from 2004 to 2019, that story is a lot longer but it would be a novel so don't read that thinking I'm being petty. It was a horrible place to work but I believed the “find a safe job with benefits you can retire from” and I was an idiot for not pursuing my dreams because others said I couldn't or that it wasn't a “smart decision”.

Don't waste your life making other people rich. Go live your life making memories with the people you love, doing what you love.

“A Boss points, a Leader takes point.”
Equality in the work place
Livable wages for everyone
Damn the Man

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