
Been seeing alot more of the “Closed due to not enough staff” signs, and honestly. I’m more upset at companies that can’t staff properly.

I'm not upset at the people not wanting poverty wages and looking for something hopefully better, paycheck and emotional benefit wise. I'm upset at companies who take up space with their building, brand new buildings that had been built, and probably cost alot of money to do so, but can't keep staffed for shit because they don't want to pay according. Seeing a sign about the business closed and all the lights are on, all the products are there, probably going bad or about to be bad, and can't be replaced so they just sit there. Going to waste. It's such a money pit, and they're losing out on more money because they can't keep their employees because they refuse to pay them accordingly. It makes me not want to purchase from that company again seeing how they can't treat their staff as the valuable assets they are.

I'm not upset at the people not wanting poverty wages and looking for something hopefully better, paycheck and emotional benefit wise.

I'm upset at companies who take up space with their building, brand new buildings that had been built, and probably cost alot of money to do so, but can't keep staffed for shit because they don't want to pay according.

Seeing a sign about the business closed and all the lights are on, all the products are there, probably going bad or about to be bad, and can't be replaced so they just sit there. Going to waste. It's such a money pit, and they're losing out on more money because they can't keep their employees because they refuse to pay them accordingly.

It makes me not want to purchase from that company again seeing how they can't treat their staff as the valuable assets they are.

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