
Being a 1099 cable technician under charter is soul sucking back breaking work and I wouldn’t recommend it to a starving man if he was gonna starve tomorrow from an inability to purchase food.

So let me preface this by saying that I've been through a bit of a ringer with construction companies. I worked for a grading company and had a heat stroke after coming back from getting COVID due to gross negligence on the management side. The heat stroke permanently damaged my organs and my doctor said there was damage to my prefontal cortex as well. When I worked under a electric company I hurt my back because my boss didn't want to buy a pallet jack. The end result of that injury was them cutting a piece of my spine out. Both companies made sure to make me feel like I was at fault. I am working under Charter Communications now as a 1099 cable tech. I get paid by job. Sometimes this works out nicely and I can make 30 bucks an hour. If we are being honest though that…

So let me preface this by saying that I've been through a bit of a ringer with construction companies. I worked for a grading company and had a heat stroke after coming back from getting COVID due to gross negligence on the management side. The heat stroke permanently damaged my organs and my doctor said there was damage to my prefontal cortex as well.
When I worked under a electric company I hurt my back because my boss didn't want to buy a pallet jack. The end result of that injury was them cutting a piece of my spine out.

Both companies made sure to make me feel like I was at fault.

I am working under Charter Communications now as a 1099 cable tech. I get paid by job. Sometimes this works out nicely and I can make 30 bucks an hour. If we are being honest though that has happened one day….out of almost 90. On top of that you have to pay for your own gas. Your insurance. Your equipment, tools, maintenance all of it comes out of your pocket. After doing the math I'm making about 17/hr.

Put this together with having to deal with shitty customers. Having your money for a job taken away if the customer calls charter with ANY technical issues. Even if they accidentally uplugged their own router they still will fucking charge you back.

The Verification meters that we carry are made by souless humans with no room to streamline the process.
The meters take you almost 30 minutes to complete and upload the test and if ANYTHING is off about the test. Maybe it takes too long to upload the files. The work order number is one digit off. An ingress test look funny. Guess what? You get back charged. The meters power supply also sucks and the damn thing cost 2000 dollars(literally).

Another thing that suck cock-a-cinno is that the app that we put on our personal phones that we need to accept and complete the job is a fucking mess. We can't choose our routes so sometimes you will have a job that's 10 minutes away but then they give you a job that's 30 minutes away. THIS HAPPENS CONSTANTLY. Adding equipment is a nightmare which you do every job causing you to have to call DOJ(Charter Tech Help line) and sit on hold for 10 minutes. The house checks can EASILY be fudged. You can only use the app on the Samsung Galaxy s8,S9, and s20 field edition. Any other phone and the app doesn't even load.

The big thing though. The thing that bothers me the most… the red tape. You are EXTREMELY limited in how you can complete the job because of the before-mentioned reason. A 1-hour job can turn into a 4 hour job because of a bad drop. Or an apartments service has been cut (you don't get paid for driving out to those jobs you can't do btw).

Anyways Charter Communications and their execs can all turn into elves. Like Santa Christmas elves. Not Lord of the rings elves….unless they are Sauron. Then that's ok.

P.S. I hate the the antiwork movement has been hamstringed. I don't see the amount of traffic here that I used see.

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