
Being a kind and compassionate human being at work is not hard. At least, it shouldn’t be…

Disclaimer: This is not to make myself look better in anyway. This is just to hopefully show others that some people can listen, learn and grow and how I feel a ‘manager’ should act when certain situations rise up. I have seen dreadful stories here for years now and it’s just crazy how people are treated. This is might also not be properly sub related, and if that is the case, you have my apologies. I work for a large electronical retail organization that sells computers and various hardware. (I have a side business as well but that’s just for me for fun.) We have and own dozens of stores all over the country and I am the store manager of one. With me are 6 others that I have personally hired over the years. One of my employees recently got the news that she has to have one of…

Disclaimer: This is not to make myself look better in anyway. This is just to hopefully show others that some people can listen, learn and grow and how I feel a ‘manager’ should act when certain situations rise up. I have seen dreadful stories here for years now and it’s just crazy how people are treated.
This is might also not be properly sub related, and if that is the case, you have my apologies.

I work for a large electronical retail organization that sells computers and various hardware. (I have a side business as well but that’s just for me for fun.) We have and own dozens of stores all over the country and I am the store manager of one. With me are 6 others that I have personally hired over the years.
One of my employees recently got the news that she has to have one of her wisdom teeth removed. It is high selling season so anyone leaving for even a day will be ‘bad’, let alone longer then that. It will put pressure on the rest of the team, it will make profits go lower, and overall ‘customer interaction’ will be less, which again results in less profits.

In two weeks from now she will have the procedure done and most likely it will take a large toll on her (as it does with everyone) and I have not burdened her at all with it. From the day of the procedure to a full week from then I have given her off. If she needs more, she will get more. I have managed (that is my job) her time off and made sure I filled up the gaps in between and where it unfortunately didn’t work out, I scheduled myself and others who wanted, as replacements for the day.
Going to a surgeon, being put under and then waking up from what feels like a torture session, work is and will be the last thing on your mind. Feeling like shit is, feeling fucked up is, being in pain is.

Again, I am not trying to praise myself for doing my job, but I would like to tell other managers that lurk here; Do yours and be kind. And to employees who have awful managers, you have my sympathies and hopefully things will get better.
I have been on this sub for years now and I have read the most awful of stories. I have worked in the most awful of jobs and have been where most have been or still are, and I genuinely hope it will get better (soon!)

Stay strong, stay healthy and be extremely careful who you trust at work. Things will work out, one day.

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