
Being a landlord is antiwork?!

It literally fits the sub’s description (not working) and gives people a way out of the corporate grind, while still generating some sort of honest income. Not talking about mass home rental here. I see a lot of negative sentiments against the rental business here, which puzzles me. Many of us here are working for big bad corporations for a living, and essentially are generating wealth for billionaires/millionaires. But that’s understandable, cuz you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. Apply that same logic, some people grind for yrs to afford a house, then rent it out so they have another income source instead of being slaves to corps—isn’t that the spirit of anti work? Companies sure as hell won’t care about your well-being, gov efforts are severely lacking, so you what’s so bad about making your honest money work harder for you so you have more financial security…

It literally fits the sub’s description (not working) and gives people a way out of the corporate grind, while still generating some sort of honest income. Not talking about mass home rental here.

I see a lot of negative sentiments against the rental business here, which puzzles me. Many of us here are working for big bad corporations for a living, and essentially are generating wealth for billionaires/millionaires. But that’s understandable, cuz you gotta do what you gotta do to survive.

Apply that same logic, some people grind for yrs to afford a house, then rent it out so they have another income source instead of being slaves to corps—isn’t that the spirit of anti work? Companies sure as hell won’t care about your well-being, gov efforts are severely lacking, so you what’s so bad about making your honest money work harder for you so you have more financial security and mobility?

The hatred for landlords here is misguided and misdirected. It’s the government you should blame – they should tax additional homes heavily, have strict rent controls, and ban corporations from buying up residential properties.

End of the day, we all need to look out for ourselves, and I don’t think ragging on small time landlords is gonna bring about any meaningful change whatsoever.

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