
Being a salaried worker feel like such a scam…

I'm a WFH data analyst and my workload has become unbearable. Two months ago my daily start time shifted to 7AM (with days typically ending at 6PM) to account for our “busy” season. These 11 hours days didn't cut it for management and now I'm getting pushed to start even earlier. Even with my early starts, I have so much to do every day that I'm struggling to finish by 7PM. The real sucky part about all of this is that I'm salaried and receive nothing extra for working 60+ hours a week. I've been job searching for that past two months but have yet to get an official offer. I'm at the verge of just quitting and living off of savings for a while…

I'm a WFH data analyst and my workload has become unbearable. Two months ago my daily start time shifted to 7AM (with days typically ending at 6PM) to account for our “busy” season. These 11 hours days didn't cut it for management and now I'm getting pushed to start even earlier. Even with my early starts, I have so much to do every day that I'm struggling to finish by 7PM. The real sucky part about all of this is that I'm salaried and receive nothing extra for working 60+ hours a week. I've been job searching for that past two months but have yet to get an official offer. I'm at the verge of just quitting and living off of savings for a while…

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