
Being able to sue employer for bait and switch

What's everyone's opinions on starting a new position at an organization and the job description being entirely outside of the scope of work that you were supposed to be doing? This includes the amount of people on your team that you would be working with as well. Recently posted about how I was lied to about my current job and it's been three months and I'm looking for work every day (interviewing daily, had a few third round interviews but no luck as of yet) I'm thinking that employees who are hired and baited into an entirely different position should have legal recourse with a paper trail of course. The issue is that in America everything is at will – not to mention the fact that job descriptions have a tendency to include very ambiguous vague bullshit at the bottom of the job listing basically stating “any other duties when…

What's everyone's opinions on starting a new position at an organization and the job description being entirely outside of the scope of work that you were supposed to be doing?
This includes the amount of people on your team that you would be working with as well.
Recently posted about how I was lied to about my current job and it's been three months and I'm looking for work every day (interviewing daily, had a few third round interviews but no luck as of yet)

I'm thinking that employees who are hired and baited into an entirely different position should have legal recourse with a paper trail of course. The issue is that in America everything is at will – not to mention the fact that job descriptions have a tendency to include very ambiguous vague bullshit at the bottom of the job listing basically stating “any other duties when requested” Which basically states that if your employer hates you enough, he can assign you to clean the toilets of his business even though you were hired as a infrastructure engineer and you can't say no without either a PIP coming your way or just an all around termination for insubordination.

To give backstory, I was hired as a cloud engineer, have been ignored by the c level (who is the only person I have on my team) for over 2 months.
My 1<>1 meetings consist of meeting with HR, for some reason the person who's responsible for assigning me tasks and is my direct report seems to be HR. Not IT, I have absolutely no idea how the fuck that happens – I've worked in this industry for 13 years and have never had this happen in my life.
I have no project manager, no team lead, no direct manager. The c levels don't answer my emails and when other teams come to me randomly requesting work entirely outside of what my job scope is supposed to be I have no recourse to push back because HR doesn't know what I'm supposed to be doing and the c levels don't give a fuck.

This isn't my first rodeo with being asked to do tasks entirely outside of my scope, I was once fired from an employer for refusing to setup and install 50+ desks and office chairs for staff, their argument was that I was office services on top of IT. Which was never true, and I would have never signed onto it even if it was true in my contractual agreement. But I had zero legal recourse because my job stated “any other duties when necessary”
Now if you go about trying to get this portion of a job application reclassified or restructured 90% of the time you will immediately met with HR pushing back, I've personally lost out on jobs before because I asked for a restructuring of the legal application that I was to agree to.

It goes the same for trying to get fully remote classified into your job application for legal purposes as well, I've been met with push back from multiple companies that were offering fully remote positions but refused to add it to the contractual agreement because at some point or another they want to be able to uproot your entire life if they feel necessary. Big man is annoyed that something wasn't answered quickly enough? Everyone back to the office! Oh you were hired fully remote and live out of state with a family and can't immediately relocate to meet business needs? You're terminated.
My current employer refused to add fully remote into my job description, I pushed back 3 times and was “promised” that was fully remote, but nowhere in the agreement does it say this. So at any time I may lose my job because I was an out of state hire who is meant to do cloud engineering work.
One day my manager may have a bad day and insist that everyone be available to be in house 5 days a week. My recourse is nothing, I will be immediately without a job.

I'm starting to get sick of this shit to be honest. Employees have zero recourse when fucked by their employers, as soon as someone wants to get rid of you for whatever reason they just play games and have HR push you around until you're out the door.
Same shit that happened with Tesla a few months back, instead of doing a lay off Elon instead insisted 5 days back in office with a minimum of 40 per week for everyone. They lost enough heads all over the nation that they were able to avoid headline news of a mass lay off.

Personally I think these vague job postings with “any other duties when requested” should be fucking illegal outright. Your job should be outlined specifically around what you're hired to do. If you're requested to do work outside of that scope you can communicate with your manager and negotiate if we're talking about a big enough task or something that's just utter bullshit and shouldn't be done by you.

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