
Being an Antiwork boss

Hey guys, just want to vent a bit I’ll probably get downvoted but whatever. Been a fan of this sub since it came out, I’m a leftist and support everything happening in the labor movement. So I’m a Production manager for a metal fabrication shop, and I have 5 helpers I’m in charge of. I’m known for being the “cool boss” , if you need a day off or want to take a vacation as long as you tell me ahead of time I’m cool with it, I can work around stuff if I know about it. If you call in sick or have car problems, I get it shit happens I don’t trip over that kind of stuff. I try to train everyone to the best of my ability and if they don’t understand something I work with them until they do. I’m out there In the shop doing…

Hey guys, just want to vent a bit I’ll probably get downvoted but whatever.

Been a fan of this sub since it came out, I’m a leftist and support everything happening in the labor movement.

So I’m a Production manager for a metal fabrication shop, and I have 5 helpers I’m in charge of.
I’m known for being the “cool boss” , if you need a day off or want to take a vacation as long as you tell me ahead of time I’m cool with it, I can work around stuff if I know about it. If you call in sick or have car problems, I get it shit happens I don’t trip over that kind of stuff. I try to train everyone to the best of my ability and if they don’t understand something I work with them until they do. I’m out there In the shop doing the same labor my helpers are, I fill in where I’m needed, I don’t just sit in my office unless I’m doing paperwork.
Now , me being the “cool boss” I feel my helpers take advantage of that and I literally haven’t had a full staffed week in I don’t know how long , always something comes up.

One of my helpers has been here 6 months and in that time has been late 24 times, called in sick 16 times, and couldn’t show up because of car troubles 6 times. I helped him get a loan for a new motorcycle so I could solve that problem for him. I’ve only written him up once because I really don’t like firing people.

So my point is, am I being too nice? I’m constantly putting in extra hours because my help is constantly slacking…
What should I do ? Should I fire this dude ?

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