
Being Anti-Work while also being in a management position.

Hi this is my first time in the sub, i usually just read and smile. But as the title says ima manager at a restaurant, more so a shift leader, i answer to a GM and the team members answer to me. Ironically enough work is not my thing, it's not something i want to do for the next few decades of my life, but one thing i can say is i have become more anti-work working management than i was before i started. Ive seen how the higher ups in management act and i see how and hear what goes on, i know im a tool, a middle person if u will, that when things go wrong it will always fall on ME. im just another cog in the clock of time being use to keep things moving forward. i see how reliant these ppl are of all of…

Hi this is my first time in the sub, i usually just read and smile. But as the title says ima manager at a restaurant, more so a shift leader, i answer to a GM and the team members answer to me. Ironically enough work is not my thing, it's not something i want to do for the next few decades of my life, but one thing i can say is i have become more anti-work working management than i was before i started. Ive seen how the higher ups in management act and i see how and hear what goes on, i know im a tool, a middle person if u will, that when things go wrong it will always fall on ME. im just another cog in the clock of time being use to keep things moving forward. i see how reliant these ppl are of all of us because without us, things would fall apart, especially without me. although as a part of the job i have been on the crappy side of this work as well, i believe no one is entitled to do anything they dont want to and u owe no job nothing so when i have employees call off an hour late or just don't show up i have to remember that if i was in that position i would do the same thing. when they call off or don't show up its my job to get someone in here which makes me feel like crap because it's usually the ONE person who cant say no, and also work two jobs. and i feel terrible about making these ppl work more. i suggested they raise the pay for them but they try to justify it by saying these are kids fresh out of school with no responsibility or are still in high school without bills, so they don't need raises, which broke my heart. i guess i just wanted to rant a little bit, i really enjoy this sub and reading all of your stories and i hope one day we can actually change something, any one else in my position feel the same way?

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