
Being asked to risk COVID (again)

A few months ago my job “encouraged” everyone to come in because we had some VIPs on site and they wanted to fill the building with bodies. Normally I work in the office (it’s half empty on a good day) but I decided to work from home that day. I was mainly worried about being around all the people for anxiety reasons so I told my bosses I wasn’t going to come in. I was questioned about it in that “what is it about the crowd that bothers you?” kind of way. I responded with “Are you telling me I am required to come in?” and he danced around the question because he couldn’t risk giving me a definite yes or no, so I took that as a no. They had a big to-do with two gatherings of everyone together for lunch and a meeting. I was told that not…

A few months ago my job “encouraged” everyone to come in because we had some VIPs on site and they wanted to fill the building with bodies. Normally I work in the office (it’s half empty on a good day) but I decided to work from home that day. I was mainly worried about being around all the people for anxiety reasons so I told my bosses I wasn’t going to come in. I was questioned about it in that “what is it about the crowd that bothers you?” kind of way. I responded with “Are you telling me I am required to come in?” and he danced around the question because he couldn’t risk giving me a definite yes or no, so I took that as a no.

They had a big to-do with two gatherings of everyone together for lunch and a meeting. I was told that not much work got done in the office. Well, around 20 to 30 people out of an office of around 120 got COVID within a week of the event including someone I work closely with.

Now, we are being “encouraged” to come in again for a different set of VIPs. I’m pretty shocked, to be honest. This time I’m not informing, I’m just staying home. They can fuss at me if they want to. I don’t feel safe and I don’t feel that my safety is a priority. I’m sure I’ll hear “Well we aren’t gathering everyone together for a meeting or lunch this time, so it will be like a normal day.” Normally I love this place and my bosses, but fuck me if they aren’t happy to take risks with my safety.

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