
Being called in the day after being laid off

I've never really talked about this before but I want other people's thoughts. ​ So I was laid off at the beginning of covid, like most. I was working security at the time, doing Saturday and Sunday 8 am to 8 pm, then Monday from midnight to Tuesday at 8 am. I was laid off Monday, got a call that the client decided to cut the weekend and night shift to save cost. I get a call from the head guard (supervisor) the next day, Tuesday morning, asking me to come in and work a shift for someone, and I told the head guard no. So I get a call from the branch manager, cussing me out and being really aggressive, to the point I finally just agreed to go in. So I go in, work 4 pm to midnight. Then that was it, lost my job, and my insurance.…

I've never really talked about this before but I want other people's thoughts.

So I was laid off at the beginning of covid, like most. I was working security at the time, doing Saturday and Sunday 8 am to 8 pm, then Monday from midnight to Tuesday at 8 am.

I was laid off Monday, got a call that the client decided to cut the weekend and night shift to save cost. I get a call from the head guard (supervisor) the next day, Tuesday morning, asking me to come in and work a shift for someone, and I told the head guard no. So I get a call from the branch manager, cussing me out and being really aggressive, to the point I finally just agreed to go in.

So I go in, work 4 pm to midnight. Then that was it, lost my job, and my insurance.

That's where the story ends, I never went back to the job, but I really just want to know what others think about the situation, because I've refused to work for this branch of the company again after being cussed out by the guy who runs a branch encompassing multiple counties.

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