
Being considerate of fellow workers.

I notice a lot of people here post things like the boss or manager not allowing time off for family gatherings, or things like burying a pet, or “grief periods” and other scenarios, and being military myself and also having worked civilian jobs, the supervisors I had always told us, to plan things in advance, especially with fellow co-workers, especially if we are supposed to be a “team” or “family.” I know this is antiwork, and I am not trying to sound like an ass kisser, but I am thinking about how we are supposed to talk and plan things out in advance with fellow co-workers, especially if many workers here are supportive of mass walk-outs, or unionization (what is happening with Starbucks is a great thing, that company needs to be taken down a notch for how it treats its employees and customers Also Amazon workers striking and unionizing…

I notice a lot of people here post things like the boss or manager not allowing time off for family gatherings, or things like burying a pet, or “grief periods” and other scenarios, and being military myself and also having worked civilian jobs, the supervisors I had always told us, to plan things in advance, especially with fellow co-workers, especially if we are supposed to be a “team” or “family.” I know this is antiwork, and I am not trying to sound like an ass kisser, but I am thinking about how we are supposed to talk and plan things out in advance with fellow co-workers, especially if many workers here are supportive of mass walk-outs, or unionization (what is happening with Starbucks is a great thing, that company needs to be taken down a notch for how it treats its employees and customers Also Amazon workers striking and unionizing for better pay, and being able to go to the bathroom.)

But if Co-workers cannot learn to cooperate with each other, and help each other out with their planning, then how are they supposed to strike? It was easier to strike back in the day, even though there were less laws protecting workers, because the police and powers that be were not as heavily armed, but it also caused more deaths, and violent fighting on both sides (it got so bad that police and federal workers had to start unionizing for better benefits) now with government being so much bigger, and powerful and taking away rights like guns, and abortion access in case of life or death emergency or sexual assault, and taking away the rights of the poor/homeless folk by ticketing them or fining them for sleeping in tents and arresting people that assist them; it has become harder to unionize and strike for newer generations of workers. Older unions like coal, oil, and railroad unions learned how to play the political game, and got where they got when it was easier to get in the door. Indeed, coal, and oil unions are the main workers unions that are actually conservative and deny that climate change exists because they are there to protect their workers/employees jobs from going away which inevitably would have to happen if we are to transition to not just more clean energy, but more efficient energy like nuclear as well.

My point is Co-workers need to learn how to better plan, and help each other with their off days, as well as their vacations and unionization efforts. If a bunch of workers decide to go on vacation at once, and someone like little Johnny has to take up more work, and they have a family emergency, or another job they work, they can't do it because the boss won't let them because all the other co-workers did not plan around Johnny's situation. I think issues like the boss denying paid leave or paid vacation would happen less, if more co-workers tried to plan around each others' arrangements. Not only that, but it also helps other things like getting more workers rights, getting more work done in general in the workplace, unionization, and just being a more friendly nice polite decent human being (It also helps you make friends). Nobody likes to work with selfish people, or assholes, or Karens, and Jerks. The world does not revolve around Karen and her dead cat, when so and so meanwhile had a medical emergency, and another worker just quit, another one got fired, another worker is on paid vacation, and finally another one had a death of a close family member.

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