
Being denied agreed-upon vacation

My husband’s company was bought out by a different company everybody was given the option to stay or to move with the original company he chose to stay lots of reasons but one of the things that was discussed is whether or not they would honor his vacation they told him They would they are now saying it will be with out pay obviously we can’t afford that I’m so mad/sad for him he has been looking forward to his time off for so long also I took my vacation time at the same time so now I’m off and he’s not

My husband’s company was bought out by a different company everybody was given the option to stay or to move with the original company he chose to stay lots of reasons but one of the things that was discussed is whether or not they would honor his vacation they told him They would they are now saying it will be with out pay obviously we can’t afford that I’m so mad/sad for him he has been looking forward to his time off for so long also I took my vacation time at the same time so now I’m off and he’s not

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