
Being “forced” to skip breaks to meet compliance. I’m about ready to quit.

I've been working for a company just about a year going on now and much to my detriment, this company LOVES to micromanage employees with metrics. Clocking in, clocking out, how long you're on call for – every little possible thing they want to micromanage. So as an example, if I happen to be on call and that runs over my break, management heavily implies I'm supposed to skip my break. I brought this up with them before that this is borderline illegal and they told me “Well you DO get your break but if you happen to go over it on your call you have to choose whether you need to take that break or not”. I'm really tired of this company screwing me over just to take a regular break and being beat up about it in every meeting I have. I'm so far done with being micromanaged…

I've been working for a company just about a year going on now and much to my detriment, this company LOVES to micromanage employees with metrics. Clocking in, clocking out, how long you're on call for – every little possible thing they want to micromanage. So as an example, if I happen to be on call and that runs over my break, management heavily implies I'm supposed to skip my break. I brought this up with them before that this is borderline illegal and they told me “Well you DO get your break but if you happen to go over it on your call you have to choose whether you need to take that break or not”.

I'm really tired of this company screwing me over just to take a regular break and being beat up about it in every meeting I have. I'm so far done with being micromanaged that I'm on the verge of quitting on the spot. The only solace I have is I am self employed on the side and while I don't make a ton of money, I can focus on it completely and hopefully grow it into something more profitable. This job now is just a paycheck.

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