
Being ghosted after an interview that goes well really messes up your confidence.

I have been interviewing for a Project Management position for the past 3 months as I want to leave my current job because I am being underpaid and they don't want to give me a raise. I have interviewed with 10 different companies, and 7 of those have gotten back to me to let me know they would move with different candidates, understandably so, as they require a different set of skills that I don't possess such as programming and IT. Now, 3 of those were right up my alley, and the first 2 interviews went very well, pay was great, the benefits were great and I was very hopeful I would get an offer… Instead, I've been ghosted by all 3 of them. After they said “We'll get back to you by X day” to either another interview or with an offer, “X” day comes, and nothing. A week…

I have been interviewing for a Project Management position for the past 3 months as I want to leave my current job because I am being underpaid and they don't want to give me a raise.

I have interviewed with 10 different companies, and 7 of those have gotten back to me to let me know they would move with different candidates, understandably so, as they require a different set of skills that I don't possess such as programming and IT. Now, 3 of those were right up my alley, and the first 2 interviews went very well, pay was great, the benefits were great and I was very hopeful I would get an offer… Instead, I've been ghosted by all 3 of them.

After they said “We'll get back to you by X day” to either another interview or with an offer, “X” day comes, and nothing. A week goes by and nothing. I tried reaching out to the recruiter, and the hiring manager who I interviewed to no avail.

This is very discouraging and really messes up my confidence and makes me feel that maybe I don't deserve a higher-paying job because those people who I think are interested ghost me. Kind of an impostor syndrome thing.

Also, as a side note, the application process could be much easier.
I hate to send my resume and fill out forms with the same information as in my resume… over and over again.

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