My job has been short staffed for the past 2 years. It got to the point last year that we were short staffed plus someone on paternity leave so we were working 60-70 hours a week, every week. I was very not mentally well during that time and started to have to up my depression meds because of SI. It got to a point that I said I wouldn’t pick up any shifts or do too much overtime anymore. Ever since then my coworkers constantly judge me for not picking up shifts. Staffing has gotten a little better but we have a couple people out sick right now and they picked up a bunch of shifts and just keep talking about how many hours they are working while looking at me and sneering. I work in healthcare so the “you need to work extra or patients will suffer” gets thrown at me. It’s so toxic and I’m tired. How can they not understand that my life is more important than a job?