
Being Treated as a Product

I’m struggling to find a job. A lot. I recently graduated college with a web dev degree but need to stay in a specific town for a couple years where there’s pretty much no opportunity in my field, and with my portfolio getting remote work in my field is practically impossible. Being that I just needed some cash to live, I’ve started applying to places that don’t require degrees like retail jobs. I have bad social anxiety so my options are somewhat limited, and everything I’ve applied to so far has either rejected me or failed to respond. I figured I could branch out of my comfort zone a little bit and apply for a grocery store job. A month or so after applying, I finally get a text saying I’ve got an interview! Hooray! Something about this text is weird though. It’s an automated text from a robot and…

I’m struggling to find a job. A lot. I recently graduated college with a web dev degree but need to stay in a specific town for a couple years where there’s pretty much no opportunity in my field, and with my portfolio getting remote work in my field is practically impossible. Being that I just needed some cash to live, I’ve started applying to places that don’t require degrees like retail jobs. I have bad social anxiety so my options are somewhat limited, and everything I’ve applied to so far has either rejected me or failed to respond. I figured I could branch out of my comfort zone a little bit and apply for a grocery store job. A month or so after applying, I finally get a text saying I’ve got an interview! Hooray!

Something about this text is weird though. It’s an automated text from a robot and it refers to the interview as an “interview event”. Strange, but maybe just the result of using automation, I thought. The text provides a list of times to choose from. My sleep is messy due to depression from being unemployed so I opt for their latest morning option(I respond just a few minutes after receiving the text). The next day, another automated text is sent to me saying “my time slot has been filled” and I was automatically sent for an interview 3 hours earlier. Without my consent. Like what?! I sighed and told myself I’d grin and bear it and drag my tired ass over.
This morning was the day of the “interview”. I have a terrible sense of direction but I left at what I thought was a reasonable time. It turned out now to be because siri took me through the most convoluted route possible and I had a panic attack. I finally arrived 5 minutes late. I took a deep breath and figured I’d just tell the interviewer what happened, and I walked up to the door. I noticed in the large window there was a line of 8-10 people inside being spoken to. A group interview?!? Shit I should have known. The automatic door to inside was locked shut. I mustered all of my courage with my terrible social anxiety and knocked. The guy speaking glanced at the door and proceeded to ignore me. I knocked again. A guy in the back who was cleaning glanced at me and ignored me too. I stood there for another 5 minutes and knocked a couple more times, to no avail. I felt like crying.
Not only did they move MY time slot 3 hours (for a group interview??? That meant they were interviewing 30+ people total for a couple of positions and why did they offer me a choice to begin with), but when I made an honest mistake they treated me like trash to continue to interview their apparently more superior “products”. That’s was they see us as. Products to be used.

I hate it here. I’m aware the fault is partially on me for not planning my time a little better, but I feel less than human. All I want is money to live. Is a little respect too much to ask? Someone to come to the door and at least apologize saying they don’t accept latecomers? Fuck it. Also I’m not hiding the company’s name in the screenshot because fuck them.dumb textsdumb texts

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