
Being yelled at, at work for taking food that we are going to throw out anyway…

Basically the title. I work full time overnights min wage job (most popular fast food restaurant, you already know), and when I started I was told we get a free meal, ok awesome, so on my breaks I would get a cheeseburger and a Jr chicken. 2 months in i got yelled at for taking 2 items when I was supposed to get a SINGLE meal and that counts as two (which is bullshit because those 2 sandwiches cost less than a meal), ok fine ill just have a meal, so I started taking a double cheeseburger and fries and a drink, a couple weeks later they catch me making that and flip out at me claiming they meant I get a SINGLE burger! No double burgers, no extra patties, I've already called bullshit at this point and then I realize I take my breaks at 3 am… we switch…

Basically the title. I work full time overnights min wage job (most popular fast food restaurant, you already know), and when I started I was told we get a free meal, ok awesome, so on my breaks I would get a cheeseburger and a Jr chicken. 2 months in i got yelled at for taking 2 items when I was supposed to get a SINGLE meal and that counts as two (which is bullshit because those 2 sandwiches cost less than a meal), ok fine ill just have a meal, so I started taking a double cheeseburger and fries and a drink, a couple weeks later they catch me making that and flip out at me claiming they meant I get a SINGLE burger! No double burgers, no extra patties, I've already called bullshit at this point and then I realize I take my breaks at 3 am… we switch over to breakfast at 3 30am…. which means ALL our product, burgers, chicken nuggets, chicken patties, everything gets thrown OUT WHILE IM ON BREAK. (And we throw out A LOT like me and my best work friend are disgusted by how much we throw out every day especially at switch over to breakfast times and they don't let us take any of it home or even to homeless shelters it's fucking sad)

I just find it so fucking stupid and it's annoying me how much I get yelled at for the minimum food that i take especially when it's cheaper than most meals or what other people at work take. I'm also a very big dude 6'5 450 pounds (yes its fat) and I realize the irony here of me complaining about food and especially at my specific place of work but idk I just think it's dumb especially for everyone at work and the fact a huge successful business cares about 1 extra patty that they throw out anyway.

Off topic: one more thing I Hate is how we have to call in atleast 3 hours early for work if were sick or cant go, but they can call us in half hour before they want us to work on a day off… (this happened to me 1 time and my best work friend or bwk for short very recently on our weekend)

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