We are all humans, from the CEO to you and me, yet we peon's aren't allowed to have human moments or emotions if it interferes with our job. We are treated like machines/robots by the companies we work with no allowance for any kind of human needs.
My dog is dying. I have to put him down in a few days and I'm agonizing over it. Then I found out my last grandparent who lives several states away isn't expected to live very long. I'm so upset and distracted, I can't concentrate on shit. But, I'm here at work because I have to be. My boss knows what's going on and he sympathizes but really, I'm expected to just act like it's any other day, as if my job is just as important as the two family members I'm about to say goodbye forever to.
Upset and feeling worried about the loss of someone you love? Who the fuck cares, get over it and do your job until they are dead. Then we'll toss you a pittance of time off.
Stressed out and not feeling well? Too fucking bad, you aren't special, get back to work. And you better work every second of those 8 hours!
Your family member is dying? You get bereavement but not until they are dead! You better work your normal hours up until the second they die too or else!! No way you're allowed to go spend time with them before they are gone forever and always! And when they pass, you get THREE to FIVE days total, if that's not enough for you to grieve this important person in your life, we'll fire you because we think you're taking too long to get over it. Imagine losing a spouse or child and being expected to “get over it” in just a weeks time? That's not only absurd, it's vile and cruel.
It sickens me that they would let someone go for grieving “too much” rather than allow them to have the human time they need so they can grieve. It sickens me they won't allow someone to spend their last few days with a family member, because their job is “more important”. Nobody is going to die if I don't do my job, I don't work in that type of field. I'm not that fucking important and they know it, and yet they act like my needing time off to see a dying relative is asking for a paid, year long sabbatical. Not only that, they act like I have the audacity to ask. Like, how dare I? How dare I suffer from human emotions and need time to adapt to change and loss?
Fuck the United States work culture. We're all human beings, for fucks sake, why are we always being punished for acting like one?