
Best line in resignation letter to invoice for consulting work, etc

Resigning soon, I'd like to include a line that basically says I will invoice you after my last day if you contact me with issues. I'd prefer not to encourage said contact and don't necessarily want to negotiate some consulting rate with the old company. I also don't 'expect' to get paid from said invoice but just want something to point to to troll. I've seen some gem lines here in the past but can't seem to find any via search and can't remember any. Cheers!

Resigning soon, I'd like to include a line that basically says I will invoice you after my last day if you contact me with issues. I'd prefer not to encourage said contact and don't necessarily want to negotiate some consulting rate with the old company. I also don't 'expect' to get paid from said invoice but just want something to point to to troll. I've seen some gem lines here in the past but can't seem to find any via search and can't remember any. Cheers!

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