
Best place to get reviews of an employer? Was trying Glassdoor but noticed one of the worst employers I’ve ever had is saturated with positive reviews, guessing fake?

I was wondering what sites or apps people use to research a company and get reviews. I was using Glassdoor until noticing an abysmal company I worked for was filled with great reviews. All the accurate reviews took work to find under the gleaming positive reviews that reeked of bs. This company is a restaurant/convenient store food and product distributor that had pretty appalling conditions. Basically you worked until orders were done which often meant 12-14 hr days. No work/life balance. Everyone there was exhausted and miserable. Later working in the restaurant business I learned it's pretty much common knowledge how shitty this company is but if you go on Glassdoor you don't really get that story. The overall rating is a 3.2 out of 5 which obviously isn't good but the concerning part is it takes ALOT of scrolling to get to the accurate reviews. I'm guessing it's saturated…

I was wondering what sites or apps people use to research a company and get reviews. I was using Glassdoor until noticing an abysmal company I worked for was filled with great reviews. All the accurate reviews took work to find under the gleaming positive reviews that reeked of bs.

This company is a restaurant/convenient store food and product distributor that had pretty appalling conditions. Basically you worked until orders were done which often meant 12-14 hr days. No work/life balance. Everyone there was exhausted and miserable.

Later working in the restaurant business I learned it's pretty much common knowledge how shitty this company is but if you go on Glassdoor you don't really get that story. The overall rating is a 3.2 out of 5 which obviously isn't good but the concerning part is it takes ALOT of scrolling to get to the accurate reviews. I'm guessing it's saturated with fake reviews and/or the positive reviews are from non grunt work positions.

What apps or sites do you all use to get an idea of an employer. I'm currently employed but considering finding better employment.

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