
Best practices for business owners?

I have a small business that started to grow pretty fast recently, until now it was a small team and it was more like a group project. Until now, people worked whenever they could, with some weeks having 20 work hours and some 80, and we didn’t make much so it was split between us evenly. So pretty much do whatever you want and can cause if you contribute to the business you will help your friends and yourself… I personally believe that a calm person who can focus contributes more than a stressed person with too much on their hands. But with the growth, came the need for more people and with that, more structure, and all the bs of a business. Something that I personally don’t have much experience in (the small details) and don’t want to make my coworkers have a miserable, or just an “ah”, time.…

I have a small business that started to grow pretty fast recently, until now it was a small team and it was more like a group project.

Until now, people worked whenever they could, with some weeks having 20 work hours and some 80, and we didn’t make much so it was split between us evenly. So pretty much do whatever you want and can cause if you contribute to the business you will help your friends and yourself…

I personally believe that a calm person who can focus contributes more than a stressed person with too much on their hands.

But with the growth, came the need for more people and with that, more structure, and all the bs of a business. Something that I personally don’t have much experience in (the small details) and don’t want to make my coworkers have a miserable, or just an “ah”, time.

What are best practices you have experienced in your workspace from the business/bosses/managers?

And what should be avoided altogethers?

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