
Best thing about cannabis being legalized in Canada

Now we have a new minimum wage slave job called “budtender”, who are expected to act and sound like doctors with multiple pharmacology degrees. “I bROke my bONg What's youR chEApEST One” “WHats the CannABIS THAT GEt's you High bUT the Way I WANT it to BE” Imagine none of the answers you give satisfy them and imagine you have to spend at least 5 minutes on average with 100 something of these troglodytes asking unreasonable things from you while there are a bunch of other people waiting in the line. Dealing with this shit daily will make you question where your life is heading, which is what I'm doing at the moment.

Now we have a new minimum wage slave job called “budtender”, who are expected to act and sound like doctors with multiple pharmacology degrees.

“I bROke my bONg What's youR chEApEST One”

“WHats the CannABIS THAT GEt's you High bUT the Way I WANT it to BE”

Imagine none of the answers you give satisfy them and imagine you have to spend at least 5 minutes on average with 100 something of these troglodytes asking unreasonable things from you while there are a bunch of other people waiting in the line.

Dealing with this shit daily will make you question where your life is heading, which is what I'm doing at the moment.

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