
best ways to screw over my toxic employer

I am going to hand in my resignation. I know I'm playing into their hands, and doing exactly what they want me to do, but I've had enough of being side lined and isolated and waking up dreading the work day ahead. Any suggestions on getting the biggest bang for my buck with this? My contract states a 2 week notice period and I work school terms only. I don't want to burn my bridges or do anything illegal. I am in finance. I'm willing to see it out till the end of term.

I am going to hand in my resignation. I know I'm playing into their hands, and doing exactly what they want me to do, but I've had enough of being side lined and isolated and waking up dreading the work day ahead. Any suggestions on getting the biggest bang for my buck with this? My contract states a 2 week notice period and I work school terms only. I don't want to burn my bridges or do anything illegal. I am in finance. I'm willing to see it out till the end of term.

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