
Better job = Less pay?

So… Im an employee at a small painting business and have been there for 13 years. I like it cause everything is relaxed and “freedom with responsibility”. Ive started working in a way that suits me and my boss the best. When I get a job I say “I want 55 hours paid for this job” and whether if I do it in 45 or 65 hours I get paid 55. For me thats much better cause I hate selling my time instead of my skills. Now a new “middle boss” has come that knows nothing about painting or construction but is very good at planning and setting people up for jobs and things like that. She didn't pay me according to our deal and said “But you did it in almost half of the time you said”. In my mind that is awesome. Im happy, the customer is happy…

So… Im an employee at a small painting business and have been there for 13 years. I like it cause everything is relaxed and “freedom with responsibility”. Ive started working in a way that suits me and my boss the best. When I get a job I say “I want 55 hours paid for this job” and whether if I do it in 45 or 65 hours I get paid 55. For me thats much better cause I hate selling my time instead of my skills.

Now a new “middle boss” has come that knows nothing about painting or construction but is very good at planning and setting people up for jobs and things like that. She didn't pay me according to our deal and said “But you did it in almost half of the time you said”. In my mind that is awesome. Im happy, the customer is happy and the company makes money and I can take a new job faster therefore make even more money and work away the backlog of jobs waiting for me. Ive tried talking to her and my boss is old and tired and just says “just talk to her, you'll figure it out”.

I asked her “So if Im faster, I should make less?” and she looked at me like I was stupid and said “Duh, yeah. Why pay you more when you dont work as much?”

I fail to see her logic. So if a pizza guy gives you the pizza in 5 minutes instead of 15 you should pay less?

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