
Between a rock and a hard place

I’ve been working at my current job for 9 months and at the 5 month mark my boss told me I would have an evaluation and receive a raise the following month… Obviously that didn’t happen. Not only that, but he’s mentioned that he’s going to get to it TWICE and still hasn’t done it. And here’s the kicker— I’ve mentioned having not received my evaluation twice in front of other staff members and both times I have been verbally reprimanded. Apparently “all I care about is the money” UH YEAH

I’ve been working at my current job for 9 months and at the 5 month mark my boss told me I would have an evaluation and receive a raise the following month… Obviously that didn’t happen. Not only that, but he’s mentioned that he’s going to get to it TWICE and still hasn’t done it. And here’s the kicker— I’ve mentioned having not received my evaluation twice in front of other staff members and both times I have been verbally reprimanded. Apparently “all I care about is the money” UH YEAH

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