
Between the pandemic, inflation, housing and rent increases I keep being driven more toward “antiwork”

I used to believe in hard work will get you places. I got a job right out of school and worked there for almost 10 years. Than the pandemic hit and we started down sizing. Then after my department got let go we were dealing with pandemic issues. Between the company mandating people to mask up, vaccinate and getting rid of remote work I was one foot out the door already before the down sizing. Now it's almost impossible to afford a home anywhere that isn't in a cheap place like Ohio, Florida, etc. Rent on average where I live is over 1,700. The wages around here start at 15 minimum. Meanwhile the median housing here in Massachusetts is 800k. Meanwhile the gas prices are an average 4.60 a gallon. Not to mention insurance, groceries, public transportation, taxes, etc.

I used to believe in hard work will get you places. I got a job right out of school and worked there for almost 10 years. Than the pandemic hit and we started down sizing. Then after my department got let go we were dealing with pandemic issues. Between the company mandating people to mask up, vaccinate and getting rid of remote work I was one foot out the door already before the down sizing. Now it's almost impossible to afford a home anywhere that isn't in a cheap place like Ohio, Florida, etc. Rent on average where I live is over 1,700. The wages around here start at 15 minimum. Meanwhile the median housing here in Massachusetts is 800k. Meanwhile the gas prices are an average 4.60 a gallon. Not to mention insurance, groceries, public transportation, taxes, etc.

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