
Beware of companies using sustainability as a buzz word, they are run by charlatans

Using a throwaway account, as I don’t want to be ostracised by my boss. If he finds out that I’m venting my frustrations on Reddit. I’m afraid he might blacklist me on LinkedIn. I’m working for this up and coming volunteer group based in Australia as one of their volunteer research content writers. The founder of this group who has an online presence in LinkedIn, has established a ‘sustainable business platform’ brand name in other social media platforms. This group is mostly doing educational work (topics related to climate change, sustainability in multiple field, environmental changes etc.) but with more emphasis on how to make their brand name relevant to the world. Even if it is just a rehash of what is described as sustainability according to a dictionary. My boss is one of those individuals who is seen as an educated person from academia and is therefore perceived as…

Using a throwaway account, as I don’t want to be ostracised by my boss. If he finds out that I’m venting my frustrations on Reddit. I’m afraid he might blacklist me on LinkedIn.

I’m working for this up and coming volunteer group based in Australia as one of their volunteer research content writers. The founder of this group who has an online presence in LinkedIn, has established a ‘sustainable business platform’ brand name in other social media platforms. This group is mostly doing educational work (topics related to climate change, sustainability in multiple field, environmental changes etc.) but with more emphasis on how to make their brand name relevant to the world. Even if it is just a rehash of what is described as sustainability according to a dictionary.

My boss is one of those individuals who is seen as an educated person from academia and is therefore perceived as a smart, charismatic and social-progressive individual. But the reality is he is a self entitled piece of shit who expects his volunteer staff to attend many meetings as we could even at the expense of our daily commitments be it work or spending our free time. Also he hates people migrating to other countries for better pastures even if it is to seek better education.

Despite being an Australian not for profit, there aren’t any born and raised Australians volunteering in this group. It’s mostly filled with individuals from international backgrounds, those who are studying in Australia from other parts of the world and those who think they can get a paid job by volunteering the longest.

At first, I honestly thought as a recent graduate that if I volunteer just for a bit for a few days every week and network around, I might be able to get a job relevant to my degree which is environmental sciences. Quite recently, I got a place to study in Australia for a research degree and was making preparations to make my departure and find places to stay in Australia. While doing all this, I was not able to attend the regular meetings, I was focusing on my new prospects and the last days of my job in my country. My boss messaged me out of the blue trying to find any reasons why I’m not been attentive. I told him my reasonings.

But he insulted the university I am going to attend and gave his anti migrant rhetoric saying that it contributes to climate change. He also said that people like me should stay in our countries and not pursue our self interests for the collective development of our societies. I was told to be present in most of their meetings because out of all the personal in this group, I have a legit background in sciences. They want me to be their token scientist to represent their work and they don’t want to see me go.

I had an argument with him today over his unreasonable demands. He told me that I should not confuse my personal agenda of studying abroad with the existential problems of climate change. Saying that climate change does not stop if I do not deliver consistent work.

Despite all this nonsense I feel like the passion of volunteering has been sucked out of me and don’t know whether quitting early would damage my prospects.

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