
Beware of feel good opportunities

Not going to complain about wages because I get by. I was recruited about 2 1/2 years ago to help a large food bank with their logistics and accounting software. It was something that made me feel good and I could work from home. The people at the food bank have been great, however the company that contracts me out is a whole other thing. I recently found out that the first 1 1/2 years there were 2 layers of companies billing my time and each taking huge cuts billing my time at $168/hr and paying me under $60. Now it's a single company that bills me at $95 and still pays me the same. I only found this out because during tax time I was auditing my timesheets comparing them to what I was being paid and found they were 4 months behind in paying me. I asked the…

Not going to complain about wages because I get by. I was recruited about 2 1/2 years ago to help a large food bank with their logistics and accounting software. It was something that made me feel good and I could work from home.

The people at the food bank have been great, however the company that contracts me out is a whole other thing. I recently found out that the first 1 1/2 years there were 2 layers of companies billing my time and each taking huge cuts billing my time at $168/hr and paying me under $60. Now it's a single company that bills me at $95 and still pays me the same. I only found this out because during tax time I was auditing my timesheets comparing them to what I was being paid and found they were 4 months behind in paying me. I asked the Food Bank if I could audit the invoices to see why they are so far behind. Turns out they are too lazy to do the only thing they do for me which is send invoices to the food bank for the time. But also they add 4-5 hours every week to my time as if all that extra money they already make off me wasn't enough.

Puts me in a shitty position because I love the work I do and the people at the food bank, but how can I stay knowing they are extracting so much money and returning nothing in return but invoicing.

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