
Bf was just fired on his last day of probation

Long time lurker here but first time posting. I hope no one minds a small rant! Today is his last day of probation in the legal department of a collection agency and just got off a zoom call with his manager who fired him. She claimed it was due to downsizing of the company. We’re not sure if we believe the story because last week he received an email regarding internal job opportunities and his exact job title/description was one of them. I personally just feel horrible because I’ve been trying to convince him for about a week now that he wouldn’t get fired and his manager wouldn’t wait until the last day of probation to fire him if it happened. But I guess I was wrong. I’m trying to find the silver lining here in that he knew the job wasn’t for him and it was really draining on…

Long time lurker here but first time posting. I hope no one minds a small rant!

Today is his last day of probation in the legal department of a collection agency and just got off a zoom call with his manager who fired him. She claimed it was due to downsizing of the company.

We’re not sure if we believe the story because last week he received an email regarding internal job opportunities and his exact job title/description was one of them.

I personally just feel horrible because I’ve been trying to convince him for about a week now that he wouldn’t get fired and his manager wouldn’t wait until the last day of probation to fire him if it happened. But I guess I was wrong. I’m trying to find the silver lining here in that he knew the job wasn’t for him and it was really draining on him mentally. He was paid $35K annually to draft legal documents for all across Canada when he went to college to be a paralegal in Ontario only. Here’s hoping the next one is better.

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