
Billion Dollar Company refuses to pay me owed commissions. What should I do?

Any advice on my next steps, please help. I’ve recently left a company at the end of January, after giving a 2 week notice. I was a sales representative of a software company. While employed there, my supervisory constantly promised me changes to hours, wages, and remote working but never actually fulfilled any of these promises. The company has a big bragging session of how they are now valued at ONE BILLION DOLLARS but can’t afford to pay anymore? In January he actually cut my commission percentage even though I’ve exceeded all of my quotas every month by a huge percentage. He also tried to take away my remote work days, 2 per week. I had enough and finalized an offer from the biggest competitor of this company so I put in my notice and left. The day to got my final check, there were ZERO commissions for the month…

Any advice on my next steps, please help.

I’ve recently left a company at the end of January, after giving a 2 week notice. I was a sales representative of a software company. While employed there, my supervisory constantly promised me changes to hours, wages, and remote working but never actually fulfilled any of these promises. The company has a big bragging session of how they are now valued at ONE BILLION DOLLARS but can’t afford to pay anymore? In January he actually cut my commission percentage even though I’ve exceeded all of my quotas every month by a huge percentage. He also tried to take away my remote work days, 2 per week.
I had enough and finalized an offer from the biggest competitor of this company so I put in my notice and left.

The day to got my final check, there were ZERO commissions for the month of January. The amount was supposed to be $1,797. The HR lady, who was also on her final week of working for this company, advised I contact the legal representative of the company, as he would be filling her role until a full time HR person was appointed. It was also after regular office hours so most employees had gone home, including anyone that could help.

I followed her advice and have spoke with him many times since then. It’s been 30 days and he keeps going back and forth on his word.
First he says since our commissions are calculated quarterly, there is no way for me to be paid one months commission. Then he says our commissions are actually bonuses and aren’t commissions at all and are only calculated quarterly.
I provide screen shots that show we do indeed calculate commissions quarterly and they are not “bonuses” because the word commission is used constantly.
He lets me know that if my supervisor used the word “commissions” and told me they are calculated monthly, then this is misrepresentation by supervisor or higher and they’d have to pay me. He advises I send this in a written letter to him and CC the supervisor. I do, with high spirits.

Well now he’s gone back on his word and insisting I do not receive “commission” and just bonus quarterly.

I’ve filed with the department of labor. I’d like to send a certified letter to the CEO, CFO and COO. should I site legal clauses? Should I show up there in person? I know a lawyer would be expensive and take a long time.

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