
Billionaire creates stock shares in their own company, like printing a billion pokemon cards, claims to be the richest man on earth, then says he lost billions when people don’t want his shares anymore.

Yes, it's a bit more complicated than that but for the most part, they're not as rich as you'd think (and an even bigger, more arrogant prick than you think). The worst part is when the government steps in to “bail them out” of this fabricated loss, buys the shares at “full price” and sticks us with the bill (or prints the money to pay for said shares). They're all in a club and we ain't in it

Yes, it's a bit more complicated than that but for the most part, they're not as rich as you'd think (and an even bigger, more arrogant prick than you think).

The worst part is when the government steps in to “bail them out” of this fabricated loss, buys the shares at “full price” and sticks us with the bill (or prints the money to pay for said shares).

They're all in a club and we ain't in it

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