
Billionaires are billionaires because of you.

I fully support the anti-work movement, and its agenda to free people from the necessity of having to work for money to survive. Its complete bull that people only have one life, and they spend most of it working for an entity that views people as cogs. The problem is that while many people speak out against corporations like Tesla, or Amazon, they still buy their products, use their services, and accept money from the billionaires who own the companies. Billionaires have power because people accept their services, their products and their money. Stop accepting things from billionaires and they'll go away.

I fully support the anti-work movement, and its agenda to free people from the necessity of having to work for money to survive. Its complete bull that people only have one life, and they spend most of it working for an entity that views people as cogs.

The problem is that while many people speak out against corporations like Tesla, or Amazon, they still buy their products, use their services, and accept money from the billionaires who own the companies.

Billionaires have power because people accept their services, their products and their money. Stop accepting things from billionaires and they'll go away.

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