
Bit of an older story but..

So.. Premise! When Covid-19 began, Hungary went into a lockdown for health workers(Hospital staff, and the like), meaning they could not legally quit their jobs while the crisis situation is established. Now, picture me, a wee young lad, freshly dropped out of university – I managed to get a System Admin job at the local Hospital! I was exstatic, words could not describe how happy I was to land something like this. The pay was abyssmal, but it was good experience. My supervisor and boss seemed normal enough at the interview. About a week passes, and the cracks start to show. Hospital staff is HEAVILY overworked, and incredibly stressed, meaning that any and all inquiries to the IT office were demanded pretty much. This pissed off my supervisor, who ended up passing his anger right through me. It took me about a month of getting insulted and verbally abused for…

So.. Premise!

When Covid-19 began, Hungary went into a lockdown for health workers(Hospital staff, and the like), meaning they could not legally quit their jobs while the crisis situation is established.

Now, picture me, a wee young lad, freshly dropped out of university – I managed to get a System Admin job at the local Hospital!
I was exstatic, words could not describe how happy I was to land something like this. The pay was abyssmal, but it was good experience. My supervisor and boss seemed normal enough at the interview. About a week passes, and the cracks start to show. Hospital staff is HEAVILY overworked, and incredibly stressed, meaning that any and all inquiries to the IT office were demanded pretty much. This pissed off my supervisor, who ended up passing his anger right through me.

It took me about a month of getting insulted and verbally abused for 8 hours a day to finally crack, so one morning, I came early so I could avoid both of them so I could quit. I was still on my 3 month trial, so technically I didn't need to hand any notice in. I left my papers at HR, they didn't even ask, they knew(I was the 4th guy that year alone.)

I get a text from my boss in the rudest manner – “Where the fuck are you?”
I just answered with “I quit – thank you for the opportunity.”

No answer.

Fast forward 2 weeks – I get one of the most disgustingly worded letters I've ever seen from the Chief of Staff at the hospital, claiming that I was “in full knowledge of the quit lockdown, I was scum for breaking that rule, and my actions threatened the lives of hundreds with my irresponsibility.”

I was told, that they have forwarded my details to every medical institute so I couldn't seek employment anywhere else in that field, and if ever asked for reference, they will present the worst possible picture, so I cannot get employed in the IT field.(This part I do believe to be a scare tactic)

Times are wild peeps.
Since then I've landed my dream job, been here for a little over a year! Funnily enough it's like a sharp 180° from IT, as it ended up being in logistics.

So I suppose.. If you still have the option to quit and seek a more welcoming workplace, do it. Do not endure abuse for the sake of abuse.

I did my work, I never slacked, yet it was never enough, and it was severely destroying my mental health.

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