
Bizarre Interview

I just recently went through an interview process. I applied to the job purely on a whim since I'm mostly happy at my current org, however this job would have come with a substantial pay increase. Made it past the screen, got called for a panel interview, and went. This was a government job, and I was provided with a strict list of requirements. The first being that I absolutely could not arrive late to the Zoom interview or I would be disqualified. So, I logged in five minutes early. The time for the interview comes, and no one shows up. Five minutes later, they finally let me into the Zoom. That left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm disqualified if I show up even a minute late, but you can leave me hanging in the Zoom waiting room for however long? Then, they explained that the interview would…

I just recently went through an interview process. I applied to the job purely on a whim since I'm mostly happy at my current org, however this job would have come with a substantial pay increase.

Made it past the screen, got called for a panel interview, and went. This was a government job, and I was provided with a strict list of requirements. The first being that I absolutely could not arrive late to the Zoom interview or I would be disqualified.

So, I logged in five minutes early. The time for the interview comes, and no one shows up. Five minutes later, they finally let me into the Zoom. That left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm disqualified if I show up even a minute late, but you can leave me hanging in the Zoom waiting room for however long?

Then, they explained that the interview would only be 25 minutes (of which they had already wasted 5), and they would be asking me eight questions. How am I supposed to answer 8 questions with any depth or nuance in the span of 20 now closer to 15 minutes?

Then, to top it all off, they told me that the interviewers couldn't clarify any questions they were asking, they couldn't ask me any clarifying questions about my responses, and that they couldn't engage with me aside from reading the questions to me off a screen. Ummmm ok, what?

By the end of the interview, I knew it wasn't a fit. They let me know they wouldn't be proceeding with my candidacy the next day, but the entire experience left an incredibly bad taste in my mouth.

I am a hiring manager, and I've never been so disrespectful with any candidates time. I arrive early, I review their application so that I can ask intelligent questions, and I engage with them like a human being.

Is this how interviews are being done now? People aren't robots, and our time is valuable. More hiring managers need to get that and actually treat job candidates with respect.

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