
Blackballed or Finessed?

So I live in Texas, I’ve been working this company for 4 Years same job title, 3% pay increases (company wide), the obvious added way more responsibilities, ive lead jobs and taken over jobs because they threw them my way(forcefully), I’ve asked for a raise 1x after they fired my old manager who was about to give it too me and my new manager said he just started so he can’t justify me getting a raise yet and never reached out to me about it after that. I have no write ups or bad performance reports on paper, I don’t have a new gig lined up just yet. I’m salary and I always work over 45 hours, and they now have a lawyer in office 4 days a week. Very disrespectful people @ this place I might add. What can you guys suggest I do?

So I live in Texas, I’ve been working this company for 4 Years same job title, 3% pay increases (company wide), the obvious added way more responsibilities, ive lead jobs and taken over jobs because they threw them my way(forcefully), I’ve asked for a raise 1x after they fired my old manager who was about to give it too me and my new manager said he just started so he can’t justify me getting a raise yet and never reached out to me about it after that. I have no write ups or bad performance reports on paper, I don’t have a new gig lined up just yet. I’m salary and I always work over 45 hours, and they now have a lawyer in office 4 days a week. Very disrespectful people @ this place I might add. What can you guys suggest I do?

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