
Board came, board saw, board snuffled food, board left a mess

A rant about entitled board members who arrived at our tiny branch one morning, holed up in the meeting room, ate their catered lunch, and left a mess behind them. We don’t have cleaners who come in everyday, so it was left for us regular office folk to clean up after them. The rudest thing was that I could hear them shit-talking about us and they were whispering the whole time thinking no-one could hear them. Some of the things I overheard from the CEO: “if WE don’t get lockers, then THEY don’t get lockers.” “….it’s ridiculous..” One of the managers: “…she needs to call more people..” They literally came over to complain and micromanage. I looked up the CEO on LinkedIn later that night. She has loads of academic degrees from top universities/colleges, and many years of experience in leadership roles, but this just goes to show that even…

A rant about entitled board members who arrived at our tiny branch one morning, holed up in the meeting room, ate their catered lunch, and left a mess behind them.
We don’t have cleaners who come in everyday, so it was left for us regular office folk to clean up after them.
The rudest thing was that I could hear them shit-talking about us and they were whispering the whole time thinking no-one could hear them.
Some of the things I overheard from the CEO:

“if WE don’t get lockers, then THEY don’t get lockers.”
“….it’s ridiculous..”

One of the managers:
“…she needs to call more people..”

They literally came over to complain and micromanage.

I looked up the CEO on LinkedIn later that night. She has loads of academic degrees from top universities/colleges, and many years of experience in leadership roles, but this just goes to show that even education can’t open up some minds…

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