
Bonus… well, almost.

Not sure if this post belongs here but you folks have given some pretty good advice over the last year. So I thought I’d give it a shot. TL; DR Told one number, their mistake, now told a number significantly less. Any recourse? Signed an offer April 2021 for a company that acquired my then employer. I’m offer letter stated bonus would be based on 8/12ths of total target bonus. Fast forward to yesterday. I get email from HR indicating bonus amount, no calculation as to how it was derived but I figured it was larger than my rough math originally came up with due to the positive perforce review I received. Then later in day I get another email saying HR made a mistake, generally referencing the employment offer and revisiting the number by nearly half. Personally I think their incompetence is unacceptable, if nothing else. This is actually…

Not sure if this post belongs here but you folks have given some pretty good advice over the last year. So I thought I’d give it a shot.

TL; DR Told one number, their mistake, now told a number significantly less. Any recourse?

Signed an offer April 2021 for a company that acquired my then employer. I’m offer letter stated bonus would be based on 8/12ths of total target bonus. Fast forward to yesterday. I get email from HR indicating bonus amount, no calculation as to how it was derived but I figured it was larger than my rough math originally came up with due to the positive perforce review I received. Then later in day I get another email saying HR made a mistake, generally referencing the employment offer and revisiting the number by nearly half.

Personally I think their incompetence is unacceptable, if nothing else. This is actually second time they’ve screwed up with money (first time was on signing bonus payout, they “didn’t get paperwork done in time” so I had to wait another pay cycle and then they withheld the wrong amount of tax and told me “not to worry, you’ll get it back at tax time”.

Do I have any recourse? Do I point out their incompetence or do I just shut my mouth, take my money and get over it?

I know this situation is first world problem-ish so ignore if you’d like. Thanks for listening.

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