
Boomer relatives

It just sucks so bad living in this generation. I am in deep student debt, I live in a small southern town with limited options, and I can't afford to move. I just have nothing. I am unemployed, with zero income or savings, and it doesn't feel too much different than having a job. I just go without food a couple more days than when I have a shitty job. My family all benefited from being born in the 50's and 60's. College was cheap, and you didn't even have to go to college to have a job you could not only support yourself with but also a family. I will never get out of debt, I am close to defaulting, and when I have a job I still have no money. And I have people that had it WAY EASIER than me telling me to just a get a…

It just sucks so bad living in this generation. I am in deep student debt, I live in a small southern town with limited options, and I can't afford to move. I just have nothing. I am unemployed, with zero income or savings, and it doesn't feel too much different than having a job. I just go without food a couple more days than when I have a shitty job. My family all benefited from being born in the 50's and 60's. College was cheap, and you didn't even have to go to college to have a job you could not only support yourself with but also a family. I will never get out of debt, I am close to defaulting, and when I have a job I still have no money. And I have people that had it WAY EASIER than me telling me to just a get a job or get my masters. I hate life.

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