
Boomer Work Mentality and Refugees

So I have a relative who when discussing the refugees fleeing and coming into Poland etc, I talked about how tragic this all way and that I was glad that lots of aid was being sent. This relative opined that Ukraine refugees have a very strong work ethic unlike other refugees like from Africa and the middle eastern nations who sit around and “mooch” and that that is why this relative empathizes with Ukrainian refugees more than others. From what I can surmise from this relative's statement is that if you are not focused on immediately finding “hard work/employment” even after fleeing from an active war zone then you are not deserving of foreign aid and are a “lazy refugee”. It seems like a very miseducated and disrespectful thing to pin a “refugee's” value to society on whether they can put in hard work despite escaping a war zone. Does…

So I have a relative who when discussing the refugees fleeing and coming into Poland etc, I talked about how tragic this all way and that I was glad that lots of aid was being sent. This relative opined that Ukraine refugees have a very strong work ethic unlike other refugees like from Africa and the middle eastern nations who sit around and “mooch” and that that is why this relative empathizes with Ukrainian refugees more than others. From what I can surmise from this relative's statement is that if you are not focused on immediately finding “hard work/employment” even after fleeing from an active war zone then you are not deserving of foreign aid and are a “lazy refugee”.

It seems like a very miseducated and disrespectful thing to pin a “refugee's” value to society on whether they can put in hard work despite escaping a war zone. Does this post make sense……sorry if Im rambling.

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