
Boomers and Ageism

I found out recently from my father that my mother was recently a victim of ageism at her job. My mom was having issues with her laptop and called to troubleshoot with her supervisor, who got frustrated with her and not figuring out what was wrong let out her frustrations by saying “I bet it's not the laptop, it's probably because you're too old to figure it out.” Wow, fuck her. Yet my mother didn't report her, didn't lawyer, she just took it on the chin and still works there business as usual. I pondered outloud with my father that if something disparaging was said to me by my boss, I'd let higher-ups know a-fucking-sap what was said. I also wondered if that's an older generation thing, to just accept the shit from bosses and don't do anything about it. You've got a job, why make waves and start the…

I found out recently from my father that my mother was recently a victim of ageism at her job. My mom was having issues with her laptop and called to troubleshoot with her supervisor, who got frustrated with her and not figuring out what was wrong let out her frustrations by saying “I bet it's not the laptop, it's probably because you're too old to figure it out.”

Wow, fuck her. Yet my mother didn't report her, didn't lawyer, she just took it on the chin and still works there business as usual.

I pondered outloud with my father that if something disparaging was said to me by my boss, I'd let higher-ups know a-fucking-sap what was said. I also wondered if that's an older generation thing, to just accept the shit from bosses and don't do anything about it. You've got a job, why make waves and start the job hunt again?

It's still sitting with me and I can't do anything to rectify the situation regarding my mom, it makes me equally mad and sad.

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