
Boomers need to get out of the workforce.

My company is vast majority white boomers and it's so unproductive. They can't understand simple technological features or tasks and need their hands held constantly, they're extremely entitled and want the company to bend to their will, and they're petty as fuck! Just today, the newest Boomer addition was arguing with my co-worker because she didn't understand what my co-worker was saying. Then the Boomer sent an email to the entire office talking shit about said co-worker. She's creating a toxic environment and wasting everyone's time with questions about how basic things work. If they all start retiring in the next 5 years, this company will fall apart. But the Boomer CEO keeps hiring more oldies. Oh, and apparently if you're C-Suite or a big money-maker you get to be remote or hybrid, but little old me who only makes 39k has to drive 30+ minutes to the office everyday…

My company is vast majority white boomers and it's so unproductive. They can't understand simple technological features or tasks and need their hands held constantly, they're extremely entitled and want the company to bend to their will, and they're petty as fuck!

Just today, the newest Boomer addition was arguing with my co-worker because she didn't understand what my co-worker was saying. Then the Boomer sent an email to the entire office talking shit about said co-worker. She's creating a toxic environment and wasting everyone's time with questions about how basic things work.

If they all start retiring in the next 5 years, this company will fall apart. But the Boomer CEO keeps hiring more oldies.

Oh, and apparently if you're C-Suite or a big money-maker you get to be remote or hybrid, but little old me who only makes 39k has to drive 30+ minutes to the office everyday and spend $200+ a month on gas to do it. 9.5 hours of my day are spent at or going to/from the office and I only get paid for 7.5.

Boomers need to GET OUT. They all pulled themselves up by their bootstraps so they should be able to afford it, right?

Rant over.

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