
Boos really wants me

So a boss at my work that works a completely different department has seen how I work, loves the way I work, and came to recruit me. I work a perfect shift but make 25 dollars an hour. Where I live, it's a pretty decent wage. The boss came up to me, and asked that I come work for him. I work in a department that he needs assistance with anyways and he spent about 3 hours trying to talk me in to joining his team. I let my boss know in a joking way that I have leverage. Well, just yesterday, I received a text from my boss that he is coming in on his day off to try to convince me to not stay and to go through options of what he can do to keep me. I don't plan on leaving because the shift would affect my…

So a boss at my work that works a completely different department has seen how I work, loves the way I work, and came to recruit me. I work a perfect shift but make 25 dollars an hour. Where I live, it's a pretty decent wage. The boss came up to me, and asked that I come work for him. I work in a department that he needs assistance with anyways and he spent about 3 hours trying to talk me in to joining his team. I let my boss know in a joking way that I have leverage.

Well, just yesterday, I received a text from my boss that he is coming in on his day off to try to convince me to not stay and to go through options of what he can do to keep me. I don't plan on leaving because the shift would affect my home life and probably ruin my marriage. And I get to spend time with my kid with this job and wouldn't be able to with the new job.

On top of this all, I am trying to get a supervisor position to open up and be the person they choose to take that spot seeing that I am the one they need to overlook all of the people on my shift anyways. I am hoping they give me the title, but keep everything else the same since they try to get leadership to take leadership positions.

What should I say/do to keep my leverage and not go over to that other job? What are some opinions that you have had when in this same position?

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